

An pedestal container filled with roses, lilies, berries, spray mums, babies breath & greenery


A beautiful square vase filled with 12 red roses, decorative wire and ribbons.


Metal or Oval wicker basket with one side a fresh seasonal floral arrangement and the other filled with assorted gourmet foods. Will be designed based on seasonal flowers and gourmet foods. Eg. Christmas, Valentine's, Easter,Birthday, Anniversary, Baby, Get Well, Thanksgiving, Spring, Fall etc.


12 long-stemmed 50 cm elegant Red roses with assorted greenery in a vase.


This Teddy bear garden is designed with seasonal mixed flower arrangement.

(teddy bear & flowers will vary)


A garden parade of assorted & colorful flowers designed in a rectangular or oval container

An assortment of gerbera daisies, carnations and greens adorn this cross. Colors can vary. Need 36 hours notice. Price will vary based on size of the...


Mini and single stemmed carnations, spray roses, roses and greenery arrangement in a wreath (stand extra - colors will vary - 48 hours notice required).