

Colorful mug filled with assorted flowers, daisies and carnations (colors may vary based on inventory and occasion.)


These cute clear glass vases are designed with a single carnation and greenery. (Vase designs and color of carnation will vary) SASKATOON ONLY


Seasonal daisies, roses, assorted greens, cedar, raffia arch (colors may vary)


Roses arranged in a glass vase decorated with Aspidistra leaves and greens. (Colors will vary based on in-store availability)


Gerbera daisy or spider mum, button daisies, bear grass and pebbles in a square or round glass container. (Colors may vary based on inventory.

Great for centerpieces as well! Ask us about our other centerpiece options. We custom design.


A bouquet of seasonal spring flowers. No vase ( Seasonal)


Pink Stargazer or Asiatic Lillies & greenery arranged in a glass vase (Lily Colours will vary weekly)


This Teddy bear garden is designed with seasonal mixed flower arrangement.

(teddy bear & flowers will vary)


3 red roses and assorted greenery sitting in a 8' cylinder bud vase.


Congratulations balloon arranged with seasonal flowers and greenery (colors may vary). In a vase.


Wild & Fun is designed with gerberas, spider mums, hypericum berries, grasses, leather leaf, cedar and assorted seasonal greenery in a vase.(Colors and f vary depending on season)


A garden parade of assorted & colorful flowers designed in a rectangular or oval container


A 4" cubed glass vase filled with large mums, curly willow and greens. Mum colors will vary.


12 long-stemmed 50 cm elegant Red roses with assorted greenery in a vase.