

Colorful mug filled with assorted flowers, daisies and carnations (colors may vary based on inventory and occasion.)


Roses arranged in a glass vase decorated with Aspidistra leaves and greens. (Colors will vary based on in-store availability)


A 4" cubed glass vase filled with large mums, curly willow and greens. Mum colors will vary.


Beautiful colored or clear glass cube vase is filled with an assortment of colorful flowers. ( glass cube comes in various colors and depends on inventory.) Designed in seasonal flowers.


Alstroemeria, spray mum, leather leaf and wood stocks arranged in a square glass vase. Colors will vary


6" potted flowering or tropical plant in a decorative pot or basket. Not exactly as shown as stock varies from week to week. Saskatoon Only.

Need 24 hours notice.


Papel container designed with assorted greens, chocolate bees and teas. SASKATOON ONLY


A colorful arrangement designed in a usable cup and filled with carnations, assorted flowers and accent greens.

( colors of flowers and cup will vary)


A reflection of calm- a ceramic container designed with daisies, carnations, babies breath, greenery. ( colors may vary) Can be designed based on season- Christmas, Fall etc.


A Designer's Choice - Fresh Cut Seasonal Flowers and Greens- No Vase


They are as exciting to give as they are to receive! Everyone loves balloons. 3 Mylar balloon bouquets are designed and added to a gift box filled with chocolates. We have so many themes to select from it's impossible to show them! Just Tell Us The Occasion!



6 Freedom Red Roses arranged in a glass vase decorated with assorted greens