New Baby


Roses, carnations, lily grasses & aspidistra leaves in a beautiful 4" square glass vase made in Poland.( flower colors will vary based on supply)


4" or 6" glass cubed vase filled with seasonal roses decorated with gems, greenery & babies breath. Call for available colours


Congratulations balloon with assorted fresh cut flowers in a vase. Designers choice.


Metal or Oval wicker basket with one side a fresh seasonal floral arrangement and the other filled with assorted gourmet foods. Will be designed based on seasonal flowers and gourmet foods. Eg. Christmas, Valentine's, Easter,Birthday, Anniversary, Baby, Get Well, Thanksgiving, Spring, Fall etc.


A Designer's Choice - Fresh Cut Seasonal Flowers and Greens- No Vase


An 8" glass vase filled with assorted spider mums, cremones, daisies, soldiago and mixed greens.


Roses arranged in a glass vase decorated with Aspidistra leaves and greens. (Colors will vary based on in-store availability)


Pink Stargazer or Asiatic Lillies & greenery arranged in a glass vase (Lily Colours will vary weekly)


This Teddy bear garden is designed with seasonal mixed flower arrangement.

(teddy bear & flowers will vary)


Congratulations balloon arranged with seasonal flowers and greenery (colors may vary). In a vase.


A garden parade of assorted & colorful flowers designed in a rectangular or oval container


A 4" cubed glass vase filled with large mums, curly willow and greens. Mum colors will vary.