

A bright and bold bouquet of mixed flowers to just say your special (not in a vase). Designed based on seasonal flowers.


A metal oval or round wicker basket container filled with tropical and flowering plants (One size only, plants & colors will vary based on seasonal inventory.


Alstroemeria, spray mum, leather leaf and wood stocks arranged in a square glass vase. Colors will vary


Glass vase ( round or square design) designed with aspidistra leaves and with carnations, daisies, cremones, mums, gerberas, lilies etc. Based on instore stock floral colors could vary.


Choose from our large selection for a special one of a kind bouquet (Price start at $29.99 which includes 3 mylar balloons or 1 Large 24' to 36' jumbo balloon on a weight.

Balloons will be designed based on occasion- such as Birthday, Valentine's, Get Well, Sexy, New Baby, Anniversary, Thank You, Retirement etc.

Please state the occasion. Call (306-664-3618) for availability.


Papel container designed with assorted greens, chocolate bees and teas. SASKATOON ONLY


They are as exciting to give as they are to receive! Everyone loves balloons. 3 Mylar balloon bouquets are designed and added to a gift box filled with chocolates. We have so many themes to select from it's impossible to show them! Just Tell Us The Occasion!



(Saskatoon Store Only) Assorted fresh greens arrangement in a lime green polka dot mod bag with a 2-4" chocolate butterfly. ( no flowers)


A cheerful designers choice arrangement of mixed flowers and greens in a vase.


Roses, carnations, lily grasses & aspidistra leaves in a beautiful 4" square glass vase made in Poland.( flower colors will vary based on supply)


4" or 6" glass cubed vase filled with seasonal roses decorated with gems, greenery & babies breath. Call for available colours


Congratulations balloon with assorted fresh cut flowers in a vase. Designers choice.