

A large bouquet of cut Sunflowers and greens.(Fall only).


Cut flower bouquet of 6 gerbera daisies and Tree fern ( no vase) Colors will vary.


Pink Stargazer or Asiatic Lillies & greenery arranged in a glass vase (Lily Colours will vary weekly)


Elegant holiday centerpiece in whites, silver and golds. Assorted fresh greens, assorted white flowers, pinecones, gold, silver and white décor and bobbles and finished off with 3 tapered candles- Colors may vary based on inventory. Order early.


3 red roses and assorted greenery sitting in a 8' cylinder bud vase.


Mini and single stemmed carnations, spray roses, roses and greenery arrangement in a wreath (stand extra - colors will vary - 48 hours notice required).


Wild & Fun is designed with gerberas, spider mums, hypericum berries, grasses, leather leaf, cedar and assorted seasonal greenery in a vase.(Colors and f vary depending on season)


A garden parade of assorted & colorful flowers designed in a rectangular or oval container


A 4" cubed glass vase filled with large mums, curly willow and greens. Mum colors will vary.


Bright yellow flowers, spider mums, carnations and assorted green greenery designed in a 8" vase.